Day: January 14, 2013

What goes around comes around

by Dan Oswald “Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.” —W. Clement Stone Do you believe in karma? Do you think a person brings upon himself inevitable results, whether they […]

Pension Plans’ 2012 Year-end Funding Levels Below 2011 Ratios

Many plan sponsors are still having a hard time improving the funding status of their plans, according to indexes measuring the December funding levels of U.S. corporate pension plans. Statistics show plans’ funding rose slightly from November 2012 to December 2012, keeping the month’s funded ratios above the lowest monthly figures for 2012; however, they […]

They Said What? Odd Interview Experiences

What’s the worst mistake an applicant can make during an interview? Appearing disinterested is at the top of the list, according to a recent CareerBuilder® survey. While disinterest comes in many forms such as an applicant giving short answers or not being enthusiastic enough, some applicants’ behaviors are shockingly blunt. For example, one survey respondent […]

Breaking News—Celebrity Breaks Beak, Becomes Disabled

In breaking news from HRSBT, a press conference was held at County Memorial Hospital to announce that famous TV personality and corporate ad star, the Aflac® Duck, is in stable condition after fracturing his beak and lacerating (no, not marinating) his wings in an accident of unknown cause. The doctor speaking at the press conference […]

Yes, ADA May Cover Domestic Violence, Assault, and Stalking

Yesterday’s Advisor covered new guidance concerning the application of Title VII to domestic violence, assault , and stalking; today, the ADA story, plus an introduction to the all-in-one HR problemsolver, What are some examples of employment decisions that may violate the Americans with Disabilities Act and involve applicants or employees who experience domestic or […]

Training Is Effective Only with Motivated Employees

You may give the most professional and informed training session on the planet, but if your employees aren’t sufficiently motivated to do good work, they won’t receive the full benefits of your training. In a BLR webinar entitled ‘Worker Safety: How To Implement Truly Effective Training That Reduces Injuries, Costs, and Lawsuits,’ Michael D. Lawrence […]

Are You Continuously Improving Your Training?

In a BLR webinar entitled ‘Worker Safety: How To Implement Truly Effective Training That Reduces Injuries, Costs, and Lawsuits,’ Michael D. Lawrence of Summit Safety Technologies discussed how businesses can improve their training programs. Make Training a Continuous Process Training does not end after the session or presentation is complete. The continuous process of safety […]